Carpenters BAF September 2021

3rd August 2021 Dear client, BAF application for September 2021: Please be advised that as a result of the review of fuel prices during the month of July 2021, there will be an increase to the BAF recovery level for the month of September 2021. The applicable BAF will be as follows: Routing September 2021…


CRMS compliance surcharge

2nd July 2021 MPI CRMS Compliance Dear Valued Customers, In 2018 New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industry introduced legislation requiring operators of commercial vessels calling New Zealand ports to uphold the Craft Risk Management Standard (CRMS) for biofouling. This legislation was introduced to keep New Zealand waters safe from invasive species. This standard requires vessel…


Asia to Pacific Islands Peak Season Surcharge

Asia to Pacific Islands Peak Season Surcharge Dear Valued Customers, NPDL continues to experience unprecedented demand from Asia to the South Pacific Islands. Port congestion, equipment imbalances and feeder capacity are all increasing the pressure on shipping services.In order to ensure sustainable services we will introduce a Peak Season Surcharge to Pacific Islands effective on…
