Carpeters BAF – April 2022

1st March 2022 Dear client, BAF application for April 2022: Please be advised that as a result of the review of fuel prices during the month of February 2022, there will be an increase to the BAF recovery level for the month of April 2022. The applicable BAF will be as follows: The BAF level…


Carpenters Rate Increase

4th March 2022 Notice of General Rate Increase to Papua New Guinea,Solomon Islands and Vanuatu Dear Clients, We continue to see significant increases to the operating costs and in order for us to maintain the level of service, it is necessary for MBf Carpenters Shipping Limited to implement a general rate increase. Below quantum of…


North America Inland Fuel Surcharge – Update

(Florham Park, NJ)…We would like to inform you that for the period beginning April 1st, 2022,our Inland Fuel Surcharge (IFS/EFS) for United States will be $40 USD. Inland Fuel Surcharge(IFS/EFS) for Canada will be $0 USD. Surcharge Calculation United StatesOur Inland Fuel Surcharge is calculated based on the weekly average fuel price published by the…



Marseille, le 01/03/22 CAF MARCHE ILES DU PACIFIQUE Chers Clients, CMA CGM vous informe que le montant de la Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) sur le marché des Iles du Pacifique sera révisé à compter du 1er avril 2022 : Le montant pour les mois de avril, mai et juin 2022 est fixé à 112€ /TEU…



MarseillesTuesday, March 1st, 2022, CAF PACIFIC ISLANDS TRADE Dear CustomersCMA CGM wishes to inform you that the amount of the Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) on the French Pacific Islands Trade for the second quarter 2022 will be revised as from 1st of April 2022.Applicable amount for April, May and June 2022 will be 112 €…


NPDL – Asia / Latam / Middle East / Africa to Pacific Islands – General Rate Increase Effective 1st April 2022

01 March 2022 Asia / Latam / Middle East / Africa to Pacific Islands – General Rate Increase Dear Valued Customers, NPDL continues to experience unprecedented demand from Asia to the South Pacific Islands. In order to ensure sustainable services, and to maintain our regular shipping services linking Asia, Latin America, Middle East and Africa…


Asia/Latam/Middle East/Africa to South Pacific Islands –
General Rate Increase

ATTENTION- GRI applied on April 1st 2022 Asia/Latam/Middle East/Africa to South Pacific Islands –General Rate Increase Dear Valued Customers,NPDL continues to experience unprecedented demand from Asia to the South Pacific Islands. In order to ensure sustainable services and to maintain our regular shipping services linking Asia, Latin America, Middle East and Africa to the SouthPacific,…
