Bonjour, En raison de la dépression NAT, le navire NORDAMELIA 0RPF5S1MA n’est pas autorisé à entrer aujourd’hui 7 février. Nous décalons donc son arrivée au vendredi 9 février 06h00. Merci.
Bonjour, En raison de la dépression NAT, le navire NORDAMELIA 0RPF5S1MA n’est pas autorisé à entrer aujourd’hui 7 février. Nous décalons donc son arrivée au vendredi 9 février 06h00. Merci.
19th January, 2024 NPDL Tahiti Operation And Schedule Update Dear Valued Customers, We are pleased to confirm that crane repairs have completed and the vessel departed Auckland on January 18th and her schedule is confirmed as below. Thank you for your continued support, should you have any further questions or queries please contact your NPDL representative.…
16th January 2024 NPDL Tahiti Operation And Schedule Update Dear Valued Customer, We would like to provide an update on the operations to repairs one of the cranes on the NPDL Tahiti Voyage 002N. Cargo operations have concluded, while crane repair operations continue. At this point we do not have a completion time finalised, but…
15th January 2024 NPDL Tahiti Delay In AKL Dear Valued Customer, We regret to advise that the schedule of the ‘NPDL Tahiti’ has been delayed. Following cargo operations in Auckland, we have had to repair one of the ships cranes. Unfortunately this job has been delayed due to operational complications. Currently we do not have…
30th November 2023 SWIRE SHIPPINGBunker Adjustment Factor (BAF) – January 2024 Dear Valued Customers, Swire Shipping wishes to advise the Bunker Adjustment Factors (BAF) for the month of January 2024 will be as follows: The above surcharge will apply for all consignments showing a Swire Shipping Bill of Lading date of 1st January 2024 or…
Dear Valued Customer,Swire Shipping wishes to advise that the Polynesia Voyage 986n has been delayed due to severeweather issues with Tropical Cyclone Mal. Please refer to our website for full schedule details. We thank you for your continued support, if you require any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact…
Escale de Kingston du 20/11/23 – voyage SEATRADEORANGE 0RPEPS1MA Chers clients,À la suite du retard accusé pendant la traversée de l’Atlantique le navire SEATRADE ORANGE 0RPEPS1MA a été contraint d’omettre le port de Kingston et d’inverser ses escales de New York et de Savannah faute de fenêtre opérationnelle disponible à New York. Ce navire est…
The main Australian ports, which represent 40% of the country’s freight volume, have resumed their activities, announced Monday the largest port operator DP World, victim of a cyberattack last week, as highlighted by our partner, Les Nouvelles calédoniennes . DP World had cut internet access following a computer attack on Friday, preventing trucks from unloading…
03 October 2023 Capitaine Wallis 403N Schedule Update Dear Valued Customers, The Capitaine Wallis 403N has experienced adverse weather in Futuna resulting in her being unable to berth. We have made the decision to return her to Suva, in order to clear the Suva port and avoid further congestion. This amends her forward schedule as…
1st June 2023 SWIRE SHIPPINGDetention Tariff – French Polynesia Swire Shipping has updated its detention tariff to reflect improvements in container availability and to support customer requirements in selected markets. These charges provide additional import and export free time to GP/HC equipment. In order to ensure that Swire Shipping has containers available to meet your…