CMA CGM – ANNONCE – Surcharge Chartes / service PAD / répercussion FPI

Chers clients, CMA CGM informe ses clients de la mise en place d’une Emergency Revenue Charge applicable comme suit à compter du 1er juillet 2021 jusqu’à prochaine communication : Origine: Depuis l’Europe du Nord, la Scandinavie, la Pologne, la Baltique, la Méditerranée Occidentale & Orientale, l’Adriatique, la Mer Noire, l’Afrique du Nord & le Maroc Destination: Vers les îles…

Sofrana ANL Announcement – Q3 2021 BAF Review

GENERAL NOTICE BAF REVIEW 2021 – QUARTER 3 Dear Valued Customer Sofrana ANL wish to advise that effective 1 July 2021, the BAF payable on Sofrana ANL trades will be adjusted in line with fuel price changes over the previous quarter. Please click the button below to access the new applicable BAF basis your preferred…

Sofrana ANL Announcement – General Rate Adjustment

SOFRANA ANLGENERAL RATE ADJUSTMENT Dear Valued Customer The current challenges being faced in the global shipping industry continue to escalate and the Pacific region is not immune from these. Vessel charter rates have doubled and in some cases tripled; port stay times have increased due to labour and equipment availability; and increasing cargo volumes has lead…


Marseille, le 01/06/21 CAF MARCHE ILES DU PACIFIQUE Chers Clients, CMA CGM vous informe que le montant de la Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) du 3eme trimestre 2021 sur le marché des Iles du Pacifique sera identique à celui du 2eme trimestre 2021. Le montant pour les mois de juillet, aout et septembre 2021 est fixé…


June 1st, 2021 CAF PACIFIC ISLANDS TRADE Dear Customers CMA CGM wishes to inform you that the amount of the Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) on the French Pacific Islands Trade for the third trimester 2021 will be the same than the second trimester 2021. Applicable amount for July, August and September 2021 will be 77…

Swire Shipping CFF implementation – July 2021

31st May 2021 SWIRE SHIPPINGCompliant Fuel Fee (CFF) – July 2021 Dear Valued Customers, Swire Shipping wishes to advise the Compliant Fuel Fee (CFF) for the month of July 2021 will be as follows: PACIFIC ISLANDS – INCLUDING AMERICAN SAMOA, COOK ISLANDS, FIJI, FRENCH POLYNESIA, KIRIBATI, MARSHALLISLANDS, NAURU, NEW CALEDONIA, NIUE, TONGA, WESTERN SAMOA, VANUATU,…

Hamburg Sud South Seas and Fiji GRI July 1, 2021

General Rate Increase (GRI) United States and Canada to Pacific Islands (San Francisco, CA)…As a result of rapidly escalating costs, especially chartering costs for vessel types deployed in the Pacific Island trades, we need to adjust our freight rates. Effective July 1, 2021 Hamburg Süd is implementing a General Rate Increase for the service from…

NZ Ports Operational Update

New Zealand Operational update May, 25th, 2021 Dear Customer, Further to our last update from April 28th, Hamburg Sud wishes to provide you with an update on operational performance around New Zealand to assist with the planning of your import and export shipments, in particular at the height of the peak export season. PortsAuckland:- challenges…

Panama Canal Surcharge (PCS) Increase June 2021

20th May 2021 Customer InformationPanama Canal Surcharge (PCS) Increase Dear Valued Customer, The Panama Canal Authority has announced modifications to its Transit Reservation System fees. As a result of those fees being levied, Hamburg Süd will revise the Panama Canal Surcharge (PCS) applicable for ALL cargo passing through the canal that is loaded or received…