Asia/Latam/Middle East/Africa to South Pacific Islands –
General Rate Increase

ATTENTION- GRI applied on April 1st 2022 Asia/Latam/Middle East/Africa to South Pacific Islands –General Rate Increase Dear Valued Customers,NPDL continues to experience unprecedented demand from Asia to the South Pacific Islands. In order to ensure sustainable services and to maintain our regular shipping services linking Asia, Latin America, Middle East and Africa to the SouthPacific,…

NPDL – Heavy Weight Surcharge Effective 01 April 2022

01 March 2022 Heavy Weight Surcharge – effective 01 April 2022 Dear Valued Customers, NPDL wish to inform you that we will implementing a Heavy Weight Surcharge (HWS) for all shipments from New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji to all Pacific Islands destinations. This surcharge will be implemented for containers that exceed 25 Metric Tonne (MT)…

NPDL – Low Sulphur Fuel Surcharge Effective 1st of April 2022

01 March 2022 Low Sulphur Fuel Surcharge Effective 1st of April 2022 Dear Valued Customers, NPDL wishes to advise an updated Low Sulphur Fuel (LSF) Surcharge will be applicable on all shipment’s effective 1st of April 2022. As a consequence of rapidly increasing fuel costs LSF recovery calculation has been adjusted basis current costs. Effective 1st of April…

NOTICE aux clients

ATTENTION- STOP BOOKING Chers clients, Face à une congestion croissante du Port d’Auckland ainsi qu’au report systématique qui en découle des dates d’arrivée et de retour de ses navires vers l’Asie , la Compagnie PIL a décidé l’instauration d’un stop booking sur son service NZS (New Zealand Container Service) . A ce titre, aucun nouveau…


Marseille, mercredi 19 janvier 2022 Chers Clients, La situation dans les terminaux en Méditerranée ne s’est pas améliorée, nous continuerons donc à assurer le service en transbordement via Barcelone sur les 3 départs suivants : • WILHELMINE 0WR2DS1MA Ex FRMRS ETA 07/02/2022 ETA ESBCN 08/02/2022 connexion avec KRISTINA0DVBIS1MA ETA ESBCN 11/02/2022• ANNE 0WR2HS1MA Ex FRMRS…